About Us

Gweekly News Desk is a podcast and blog that brings you up to date with (what we think is) the most important geek news of the week. Movies, Games, Comics, Books, and more! We record each week on Thursdays and release on Fridays.

Your hosts are Andrew and Simon, we are both standard geeks who can be quite opinionated with a well rounded appreciation of geek culture.

We are just getting started out but we are looking into doing Interviews, Let’s Plays, Opinion Blogs, Reviews, Board Game Recaps, and there is a link to our D&D Campaign Adventure log that I run with Simon and some other friends.

I would like to continue expanding as a kind of network and build up some community, live shows, live streams, meetups, etc.  But one step at a time, who knows what the future has.

We’re on iTunes follow this link and hit subscribe! Then rate and comment please, it will help out a lot. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/gweekly-news-desk-podcast/id874345631

If you have a podcast subscription alternative you can subscriber using this link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/gweeklynews/podcast

If you’d rather you can just listen to each episode right from the site.

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