Gweekly News Desk #11 Steam Summer Sale is Here!
Simon is back and we chat about the same things we do every week! Movies, TV, Games, Books/Comics. This week we chat about the Steam Summer Sale (ON NOW!), an update on Harrison Ford’s broken ankle situation, and we respond to our first feedback email! Keep sending them in to correct us, curse us, praise us, say hi to us, whatever we’ll read it.or click here
As promised in the podcast, the Sin City poster with Eva Green (hot, hot, hot, hot):
What do you call Harrison Ford when he smokes weed?
Simon Etwell and Andrew Dupe
- Snowpiercer?
- New Sin City trailer. Awesome August 22nd
- International Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, so stoked August 1st
- Harrison Ford broke his leg, had surgery, they say it shouldn’t affect release date
- Jason Momoa Aquaman confirumors?
- Better Call Saul release pushed back, but renewed for second season
- Walter jr. wishes happy fathers day:
- Steam Summer Sale BEGINS! Ends June 30th.
- Dead Rising 3 PC announced at first day of steam sale and is on sale release date on September 5. 25% off today (and likely still up tomorrow as well)
- Team Fortress 2 gets big update!
- Team Fortess 2 Short Film:
- Fantasy Flight announces Star Wars: Empire vs Rebellion, a 1v1 strategic card game, 3rd quarter, should be around $12.95
- Fantasy Flight announces Wave 5 – yt-2400 Outrider and VT-49 Decimator set to come out 3rd quarter.
- Munchkin comic coming out in the fall from BOOM studios, physical copies come with bonus cards, monthly 4-issue arcs
- Titan’s Doctor Who 12th Doctor #1 covers
Comment from last weeks episode: Yes I was aware that Assassin’s Creed Liberation was a thing but I didn’t bring it up because it wasn’t part of the main series really, it was release to a far more limited audience (PSVIta)
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