Gweekly News Desk #28 – WoW is a drug.
Show Notes: Oct 16 2014
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What is Spiderman’s favourite month?
Simon Etwell and Andrew Dupe
Quick update on ExtraLife
- Warner Bros announces their DC movie schedule up to 2020.
- Lego Batman movie
- Marvel civil war coming to big screen?
- Three “Fantastic Beasts…”
- HBO announced their upcoming stand-alone streaming service, CBS also announced they are doing the same. Take that cable. Unfortunately this never ends up boding well for Canadians due to copyright and CRTC and rogers/bell, etc. But who knows.
- Guardians of the Galaxy animated show coming in 2015.
- 10 free games on steam this weekend starting today!
- WoW WoD pre-patch (6.0.2) went live. “Why do they call them fingers? I’ve never seen them fing.”
- Borderlands the pre-sequel is out!
- Wolverine dies finally (again)
- Deadpool’s Art of War #1 came out
- Return of the Living Deadpool