Gweekly News Desk #35 – Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer
This week we talk about the usual week in geek but most importantly we get the chance to talk about the Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens trailer! Warning! There is a lot of news we covered!
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Show Notes: Dec 4 2014
Why did James Bond get pulled over?
Simon Etwell and Andrew Dupe
- Star Wars Force Awakens Trailer Thoughts. Andy Serkis confirms he was the voiceover of the trailer.
- Ryan Reynolds signing on to Deadpool movie
- FF movie synopsis
- Doctor Strange confirmed casting. Benidict Crumbersnatch
- Suicide squad casting rumours apparently were true, new rumours surface.
- New Terminator trailer
- New Bond 24 title revealed! Spectre
- Warner Brothers tempting Nolan with “Ready Player One”
- Agent Carter has 2 hour premiere on Tuesday, January 6th at 8/7c on ABC
- Jessica Jones and Luke Cage cast
- Walking Dead Spinoff gets some cast
- AMC orders a Preacher pilot
- Sean Bean is still alive! TNT orders a second season of Legends.
- “Syfy” series “The Magicians” gets leads
- Gangnam Style wins youtube!
- Black Desert open beta starts December 17th
- Game of Thrones is out and very well recieved.
- Halo Patch update works! (mostly) People who buy the MCC in December receive $15 worth of M$ points. No word on how they will make it up to us older members.
- Playstation’s 20th Birthday comes with PS4 inspired by PS1.
- Street Fighter 5 PS4 and PC Exclusive.
- Slice of Bread available on steam, watch this video of how great the game would be if it were voiced by Troy Baker
- Australians puts a petition on to ban the bible in response to GTAV being pulled from target shelves
- Star Citizen at $66,131,163 and new stretch goal for Pets unlocked
- Toyvault (Tall Card people) Fist Full of Credits due out March 2015.
- Frank Miller and Scott Snyder writing Dark Knight 3