Gweekly News Desk #42 – The Answer to Life
Happy 42nd episode! 42 as we all know is the answer to life, the universe, and EVERYTHING! However, this episode only has the answers to what’s new in Movies, TV, Games, and Comics. So prepared your ear holes for some Gweekly News!
P.S. Yes the podcast episode covers are still broken, that’s a work in progress.
P.P.S. Sorry about the release schedule being a little wonky we are working on revising it and getting it back to a normal schedule, likely Mondays.
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Show Notes: Jan 22th 2015
Why was Star Trek so successful?
Simon Etwell and Andrew Dupe
- Simon Pegg to co-write next Star Trek script
- Everly trailer
- Bryan Singer announces more cast of X-men: Apocalypse
- Mythica movie rewards are being filled
- Supergirl cast
- ESO goes FTP, plus console version
- Halo MCC Patch Beta
- Microsoft moving toward making cross platform gaming a reality
- Microsoft shows off planned VR headset focused on AR.
- Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ expansion pack
- Episode Two of Game of Thrones Telltale will be available on PC, Mac PS3 and PS4 from February 3, while it’ll hit both Xbox One and Xbox 360 a day later on February 4. Finally, Android and iOS owners will be able to pick it up from their respective stores on February 5.
- Wave 4 Amiibos announced and set for Spring.
- Time runs out
- Attack on Titan X Marvel U coming on FCBD