Gweekly News Desk #46 – Zordon Cranston
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*Header image credit “Bryan Cranston as Zordon by BossLogic”
Show Notes: July 3rd 2016
Why was the zombie so tired in the morning?
Simon Etwell and Andrew Dupe
- Zordon Cranston
- Jim Carrey gets Arcane
- Pacific Rim 2 coming Feb 23rd 2018
- Wreck-It Ralph sequel hits for March 9, 2018
- The Flash get Felton
- Eliza Dushku in Con Man season 2
- E3 happened and now we wait
- Warmachine mk3 is out
- Heroes of the Storm Gul’dan and Auriel
- Overwatch gets competitive
- Titan comics gets Assassins
- IDW announces Star Trek Waypoint
- Humble Star Trek bundle
- Ilvermorny