Gweekly News Desk #90 – C3P0 vs. R2D2
We back at it again! We get into the swing of things and talk about SuperWitcherMan and a little Warhammer, a little bit about the Battlefield V beta and delay, and a whole bunch more! Leave a comment of what you think Dominic Monaghan is most famous for and why it’s Lord of the Rings. Throw your hat in the R2 vs. C3P0 argument as well.
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How many Guardsmen does it take to change a lightbulb?
- New Star Wars casting Matt Smith, Dominic Monaghan
- Netflix gets Hirsch
- Doom Patrol casts for Nobody
- SuperWitcher
- More Munchkin
- Battlefield 5 delayed
- Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
- Nordic Kingdoms
- Watch over that league
- October Humble Bundle Monthly will have Overwatch as one of the games.
- Honorable Fire
- Is that Rabbit Dead?
- Heart of Iron
- God of Dark Horse
- Big Damn Box
- Nier, the long and the short of it